well the garden is finally planted...we have had some weather and "life" delays...since the boyz were born, grandpa is in charge of the garden...in the beginning he did it all, with the "help" of sylvie and eating mulberries...last year, his health kept him from putting in the garden but he still picked out all the plants and told me the plan...my nephew corey came over to help me with grandpa'a plan...this year grandpa picked out all the plants and made the stakes for the new fence...we are trying beans this year...he is still all of the brains behind the operation...i know it was hard for him to watch me do all of the hard labor this year but i hopefully i was slightly entertaining : )
see, i feel it is important to put in the garden...to have the home grown tomatoes...to have grandpa around to tell me what to do...i worked in the garden under the direction of my mother for years, but i was not paying enough attention...i love that the boyz would lean over the fence last summer and just pluck off tomatoes to eat...i love eating the first red tomato, warm from the sun, sliced and with a little salt, like i did with my mother...i love eating grandpa's canned green tomato mix in the wintertime, making all of our summer garden memories flood back into my mind...
while grandpa and i were occupied with the garden, grandma was chasing the boyz...luckily we have her on our team or the garden would STILL not be in...when we decided we were done for the day, we found the boyz in the sandbox, with grandma overseeing their digging and dumping...
so the garden is in...six tomato plants and two rows of beans...another year of memories...the boyz and i finished the day by washing our feet!
I can't wait to have some of your delicious tomatoes too!!!!