There is no way to describe a day like today...but call it a trip! We went outside at 930 this morning...we started off on the back deck playing in the neat and tidy cottage and cars...headed to the yard, cars came down...exploring began...yelling in the back yard like the birds...hanging in our favorite lilac bush, which is more like a tree...plopped in the ivy, because they can...pulled the hand me down, still have not gotten a battery "jeep" out of the garage...ewan had first claim...but cam laid down the law and in cam fashion took complete control of the "jeep"...a few protests from ewan but not many, he was just so happy to be outside...grandma and grandpa came over bearing delicious irish soda bread...ewan was pushing cam in the "jeep" across the yard...and this was just 1130 : )
I take a moment to think about how it is so hard to pick just one moment to describe...I feel like I am in a dream on bright and sunny days like this...or a little tired from working 13 hours on Monday! They change so much every day...ewan was sitting on top of the sandbox by himself today talking and laughing, it was so showed up in my kitchen, while the tv was was so ewan-like...the afternoon was just as great...before bed, they had the popcorn popper (you push) and the alternative version from IKEA, running around the circle of the kitchen, playroom, family room, dining room...first following each other...looking for each other, then changing was a moment when I wish my eyes were the video camera...stopping to watch classical baby...side by side...shoulder to to brother...a trip, which is the GREATEST trip I have ever taken!!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prepare for many more days like this...which goes back to plan A, plan B, and plan C...then you go with are so's AWESOME!!!!