The lazy days of Winter are coming to an end...I am very excited for Spring, but today I realized I might miss these days...
We have spent most of our days off in our pajama's till after nap time or all day occasionally : ) When it has not been bitter cold we are outside at least once or twice...it takes about 15 minutes to put on two pairs of snow pants, four snow boots, 2 hats, 2 coats and 4 gloves on little hands who want opposable thumbs but just can not figure out how to put their hands in there! The long naps and restful sleeps are worth all of the effort to get fresh air!
I wish I had a picture of when we were outside early today...all bundled up, with snow still on the ground but magical because it was sunny and we could walk on the snow, instead of sinking...Cameron actually RAN outside in snow boots, along the shadow of the telephone pole! Ewan trekked the entire yard looking for security breaks...but we ALL ended up laying in the back yard, on the sparkly hard snow, enjoying the bright sun and blue skies!
Sooooo cute :)