Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our most recent hurdle at 22 months has been sleeping arrangements. The sleeping habits of the boys has been a constant struggle. First it was trying to get them on the same napping schedule. This was much easier when they were very small. Once I gave up forcing them to be on the same schedule, they worked themselves out. Over the past year, it has been getting them to sleep at night. My husband and I have just about driven ourselves crazy! I had separated them at nap time a while a go...Cam in the pack-n-play in the spare bedroom, Ewan in his crib. I had even separated the boyz at bedtime for a while, till they learned how to get themselves to sleep. Then, I moved them back into the same room at bedtime, just at staggered times. It worked for a short while until Cam figured out Ewan was coming up and would stay awake until I brought him up. Sheer MAYHEM occurred! I tried to just let them settle themselves which worked for Cameron, but Ewan would be crazed! Finally one night Ewan started climbing into Cameron's crib, then out of both cribs and bringing Cameron toys, books and such!! I was done! I separated them for good. Although I did have a slight over reaction and took down both cribs...Now they are in separate rooms, both in cribs. Ewan has not climbed out since! Now if just teething and sickness would disappear, all would be settled!!

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