Wednesday, November 10, 2010

faith and differences...

so they are so different...and andrew and i are so different parents...i know they will be just fine...together and separate...ewan is a new personality every hour...he loves being a new animal or mommy or daddy...cameron just loves being himself and an general, ewie is the rule follower and cam is the harder one to parent...i am the disciplinarian and andrew is structure...they love on me and want to do whatever andrew does... october has reminded me the hard way, you have to take care of yourself and your marriage...november has reminded me, GOD has a plan for all, whether we want to believe it or friend's cousin passed away, he had huntington's disease...we talked tonight and she also told me of two of her college roommate's friends who died of cancer this week...all had small do you make sense of do understand...tonight i saw the most beautiful sunset and felt a presence that jeff (heidi's cousin) had a higher presence...a higher calling...i can not make sense of our day to day interactions but all i know is GOD gave me my life, directed me to andrew and gave us the boyz...

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