Tuesday, May 4, 2010


ewan starts out his day, sitting in our big leather chair searching out the front window for buses and squirrels and birds...he brings me my shoes and tries to put them on my feet when he is completely desperate to go outside...a child of few words but always finds a way to get his point across...we headed outside at 9:15 this morning...had our string cheese and cracker snack by 9:30...had a visit from my friend from work and her husband by 10:00...then headed on a walk in the jogging stroller...i made a poor judgement and purchased "push pops" for the boyz at walgreens, with no wipes or napkins...we made it back home and after being hosed off ("on mist" aunt jeanne!) played for a while, before heading in for lunch and naptime...the afternoon was filled with caitlin, grandma, grandpa, bubble mowers, cotton candy, easton, wagon ride to vote and more bubble mower time...we spend most of the day outside and it was wonderful...cameron ended his day reading me his abc book...he can recite the names of most of the pictures...he says each word with such excitement!!  a child of many words and always gets his point across...love them both so much!!

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