Thursday, November 6, 2014


today, i needed, grandma came to my we needed you...i have pretended your passing has not left a huge hole in my heart...but today i could not were there from the beginning...joking you were the father and taking me out to lunch when i was on bed rest...we miss you...we will always love you...thank you for everything...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

the hat project...

it has been a hard father-in-law, my friend, my amazing grandpa to my children, dad to my husband and his sisters, husband to my very amazing mother-in-law, suddenly passed away, quickly and quietly last thursday...when we moved, i spotted a hat box in the garage, i felt an overwhelming need to see what was inside...we made fun of him...i wanted to take pictures of all the hats...and make him a collage for his birthday...a couple weeks later, i had all the hats... he was not there to laugh at my jokes...or tell me his stories of each hat...i am overwhelmed with grief but i feel comfort with all of our memories...all of our pictures...all of his passion and love...the amazing bonus was the navy caps we found in this box...andrew had one he wore out as a child but fortunately his grandmother wore her two to the beach...despite andrew asking for them, his grandmother never gave the caps to him...fortunately they went to his father when she passed...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

turtles, frogs & stuff

we went to inniswood today...our favorite metropark...we learned about turtles...we pretended to be turtles...

we saw so many frogs & looked for hiding frogs....

izzy fell 3 times & the third one was the worst...i aged 6 years...she is just fine...thankfully...

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Monday, June 2, 2014


took possession of the house is so good...

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

the boyz are done with half day kindergarten!!! these boyz are so amazing!!!  we closed on the house this thursday!!! our new address will be 1179 breakers court, westerville, oh 43082...we take possession monday or has been challenging this year with no place to ground myself...breakers will ground me...funny because my favorite place on the ohio river was right near the ice many currents but safe on the shore...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

spring has sprung...

today i had to renew my drivers license...i put our new address on there...i am so excited to start our new adventure...with 70 degree weather today, we played at the park for 2 hours today...all 3 of them hung together in a pack...not our normal behavior...we ended in the sandbox for an hour...they were so happy!!! andrew saw bats & took the boyz outside for the amazing evening...i only hope these kids realize the #specialtreatlife they live: )
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Day About Art

today, we went to free sundays at the columbus museum of art...we went with syl & keena...i could not believe how great the boyz reminded me how i am so happy i live in columbus & have access to this amazing reminded me how my mom tried so hard to expose me to culture...we had an amazing day!! Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 8, 2014


i am not sure why, but i have this overwhelming sentimental feeling about the boyz is surprising, since i am overwhelmed with the half day kindergarten and ewan's speech therapy schedule...i keep telling myself, i will miss these seems so complicated but i know we are at the cusp of complication...cameron has evolved to a greater understanding and ewan is just starting...i am so thankful...for every moment...with all three kids...but these boyz started it all and paved the way for sweet are some pictures capturing a few of my favorite sentiments...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

isobel is two!

how to describe this girl...she wakes up every morning with infinite energy and an agenda...she squeals, "good morning!!'...she needs yogurt first...lots of cuddling and then comes the jumping...followed by the not forget her gabba, gabba...she is passionate...she loves her brothers but beats them regularly...we all do not know what we would do without her but she is definitely the messy, mess in our lives...if the boys want their legos, they have to shut their door...if i do not want her hands in the toilet, we have to shut the bathroom doors...she can push you to the edge and then says, "i sorry mommy"...and she means it...i am so excited to see this crazy girl grow up...we are so thankful for this little blessing...

p.s. we are so thankful grandpa is out of the hospital and has his super duper brand new pacemaker...