Tuesday, December 28, 2010


i am tripping over new toys all over the house...but my favorite toy is my new camera...i love playing with it and capturing the mischief in cam's face....

and the booger in ewan's nose...

all kidding aside, i love the new camera...and i love my husband for such a wonderful present : )

Sunday, December 19, 2010

gifting the twins...

this year i am struggling with gifts for the boyz...see, they are definitely different individuals but their interests are pretty much the same...ewie likes trains, cam loves trains...cam likes cars, ewie loves cars...i could go on and on about dinosaurs, trucks, animals and books...so pretty much this year, there are very little individual gifts but lots of together gifts...i am not worried they will not feel they are treated as individuals if they get mostly together gifts...there is no way they can not be so different...i am pretty proud to say, they really share pretty good...occasionally they have their moments but they work it out themselves...i know their interests will differentiate further and further as they grow up...but until then, i am just content with being on the sidelines...taking in every new moment of excitement for christmas...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

boyz afternoon out...

caitlin took the boyz to cosi today, all by herself...ewie was pumped for the ducks, water and doorbell... cam was excited just to be out and about and the balls...i was excited to be all by myself in the house : )

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


memories flood back this holiday season...our hearts full of love realizing they are now little boyz and no longer babies...they know and may remember from this moment on...and today they stumbled upon my secret stash of memories...my photo albums...full of family, friends, high school, college, ski trips, camping, holidays and osu games...all on 35mm film...printed and saved...i know they will have these same memories filled with different people...i can not wait to see their albums...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


i built a fort for the boyz...ewie, camped out in it all morning...

and all afternoon since everyone refused to nap...

grandpa hung hooks so i will feel a little less crazy...


then the best part was grandma brought a cake for the boyz to ice and decorate...

what a great day!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

rosey red cheeks...

it takes me at least 15 minutes to corral them to the back door and 15 more minutes to put snow pants, coats, boots, hats and gloves...oh, how I loathe putting four gloves on two and a half year old hands...after dressing myself i join them outside...i hold their wrists, since i worked so hard on the gloves, as we take a walk down the street...they show excitement, as if, they have never traveled this path...we finally make it back to the yard so they can play, just a little while, before heading inside to warm up...the gloves, i worked so hard to put on, come off...and their rosey red cheeks make me forget any physical labor or frustration : )

Sunday, December 5, 2010

first snow of the year...

we experienced our first snow in akron this weekend...the boyz loved it!!

so did andrew and i....

Thursday, December 2, 2010


"today you are you, that is truer than true. there is no one alive that is youer than you!"
dr. seuss